Kid’s Corner


Age: 10
Birthday: January 17, 2010
Grade: 4
Our extraverted, ambitious, creative, and competitive oldest is the quintessential oldest child. He is a mini-tornado coming up with new ideas faster than he can execute them. He is quite the artist, loves learning about science, and is an astounding communicator. He loves playing street hockey with the neighborhood kids, dreaming up ways to become an entrepreneur, and goes through so much paper in a month it’s unreal.

Pray for: He is already sad about thinking of leaving his friends. Pray he finds new friends quickly and as communication is his strong suit, that he will learn the new language easily.


Age: 8
Birthday: November 16, 2011
Grade: 3
He is our panda bear child. He is snuggly, sweet, soft-spoken and tender-hearted. He is the ‘quiet one’ sandwiched between two very loud children. He has an astuteness to spiritual things that amazes us, and loves animals and small kids. He is also ridiculously agile. Naturally athletic he was walking at 9 months and climbs the highest trees, loves bike parks, and has recently discovered a love of baseball. He might well be the least change-oriented of our kids but also embraces all kinds of people easily and openly.

Pray for: That his timidity would not prevent him from embracing new places and people. That he will still be able to be his active, agile self through new sports or outdoors places to explore.


Age: 6
Birthday: March 20, 2014
Grade: K
She is our loud and sing-songy child. Always singing (did we mention loudly?), mothering her siblings, and busily sorting and organizing, she is outrageously funny and outgoing. She loves to colour, organize anything she can find into muffin tins, and cut leftover paper scraps from Silas’ creative endeavours. She is crazy fast and brave on her run bike, loves learning, and is a snack-a-holic. We found her the other day having made herself a snack (at 3!).

Pray for: That she will embrace all the changes easily and make new friends.  


Age: 4
Birthday: April 15, 2015
She is our sweet, and well loved teeny one.  She is a very active and curious child, and is always running off to explore.  She has a strong sense of independence and will. You can always find her throwing her food on the floor, climbing up onto anything she can, and quietly destroying rooms when left on her own. She loves her blanket and stuffies!

Pray for: She will have the least memory of life here in Canada in some ways that makes us sad as she will not have experienced all the many things we love about life here in B.C. Pray she never feels left out.  And pray for safety!  This girl is a little runaway and explorer!