About Us

Jason is the logical, analytical, brains of our family. He graduated from Carleton University with a degree in Computer Science and had many co-op placements with exciting companies like the Canadian Space Agency. But, nothing captured his heart quite like the vision and mission of reaching the world for Christ. At university, he connected with Campus Crusade for Christ and his eyes were opened for the first time to the impact of evangelism and discipleship. He went on a missions trip to Mexico and was challenged to lend his technical giftings to vocational ministry.

Over the years he has developed a passion for administering, strategizing, and general-all-around supporting front lines ministry work in any way he can. Out of University he joined Campus Crusade for Christ (now Power to Change) and has worked there for almost 14 years, providing leadership and technical expertise to the organization’s evangelistic ministries. He is excited about using all that he’s learned to empower and equip national leaders in less developed nations.

Jason is easy-going, and loves leading worship, strategizing more efficient ways of doing things, and has secret hidden talents like parkour and plane flying.

Shannon is the relational, creative, and passionate one. Her greatest passion in life is relationships- making new ones, developing old ones, encouraging others and gathering people together. Her first missions trips were in youth group and early on she dreamt of being a missionary. When she attended Carleton University she was studying International Development with the hope that she could use her development knowledge in Kingdom work. Instead, God blew her world apart through her life-changing involvement with Campus Crusade for Christ. Through this ministry, she traveled to Tanzania and Montreal on missions and was equipped in evangelism and discipleship. She even ventured into online internet ministry for a season. God then directed her into nursing. She has loved working as a bedside medical, emergency, and pediatric nurse- serving people when they are at their worst and has developed a deep compassion and empathy for people.

She loves writing, gardening, any creative expression, and exploring the great outdoors.

Shannon doing village vaccinations during our 2008-2009 time in Burkina Faso

Early in our relationship, we talked about the possibility of overseas missions. As newlyweds, we became very involved in a small local church plant. Together we took the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class and were challenged as we learned about the need to take the gospel to the least reached, and the importance of church planting. We headed to Burkina Faso with SIM (Serving in Mission) for 6 months to put our toes in the water. Everything about that trip reaffirmed to us that we desired and were called to overseas missions.

Yet, when we came back we started having our children and because of challenging medical issues around pregnancy and birth, have remained in North America to build our family. Meanwhile, we have been very involved in local missions, have always been reading books about missions, and have been finding ways to serve overseas missionaries. We have also been very involved in our local church ministries in leadership, bible study leading, worship leading, and outreach. We did some bible school training provided by the Institute of Biblical Studies, and in 2016 we got to be part of a small team that launched another church plant.

Through all of this, God’s call on our lives remains the same and has bubbled up to the surface anew. We are excited to finally pursue that call and pray we can use all the vocational and ministry giftings God has grown in us over these past 7 years while building our family, to bless, serve, and partner with ministries across the globe.

As a family, we do best exploring, hiking, riding bikes, being in community, learning together, playing music together, and creating together. We are so excited for the next adventure God has for us as we learn to depend on Him in deeper and wider ways.

We have been married now for 12 years and have 4 children. Check out the kid’s page for an introduction to our active, hilarious and never boring offspring.