We simply cannot go on this journey without you. We need your encouragement, your faithful prayers, your friendship, your presence in our lives, and your help financially. You are valued partners in this journey!
Our prayer is that we will become a bridge from you to the people that we go to serve. That through us, there will be a new connection made between you and the Church in a faraway place. And this bridge is two way. In all the ways that you can resource others through us, we hope they can encourage and bless you through us.
We are seeking at least 40 active, faithful, committed prayer team members: those who we can call on when our child gets sick, when our car breaks down, when we don’t have enough funds to feed our family- those who can lift us up when urgent requests come in. And those we can celebrate with in praise for what God is doing and going to do! This isn’t an add on check box at the end if you are not able to financially support us, this is at the top of our list. We will need prayer more than anything else. If you are able and willing to be a faithful prayer partner for us, please e-mail us directly at shannon.brink@sim.org.
We believe that God is calling us to this work and that He will provide. And, we know He likes to provide through the body of Christ – perhaps including you!
We have over $50,000 in one time needs to raise for language training, flights, and moving costs, and are also looking for at least 55 partners in ministry who are willing to invest $50, $100, $200 or more per month into the ministry God is calling us to in Malawi, and commit to supporting us for the next 3 years, STARTING NOW so we can focus on the work there. We are prayerfully hoping to leave by the end of summer 2018.
If you are able and interested in partnering with us financially, we already say THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU! If you have more questions or want to learn more about what we’ll be doing, we want to meet with you! Email shannon.brink@sim.org to book a night to hang out. We’ll host you for coffee and treats.
We really do feel we are building a team of ministry partners with us. We will be sharing what God is doing by sending regular updates (once every 1-2 months) so that you feel like you are part of the ministry work (you can sign up for our newsletters here). And, we will do our very best to pray for you, encourage you, and meet with you before we leave and whenever we are back here in Canada!
Over the course of the next 8 months or so we may also be putting together a few fundraisers. We hope that if monthly or one time donations are too difficult, that you might consider jumping into one of these.
Other ways you can help
There are so many other ways you can help us as we prepare to move. If you are interested in helping us with any of the following, please contact us:
- Landscaper- we need someone who is willing to help upkeep our property while we are away
- Property manager– we need someone who might be willing to manage our rentals while we are gone
- Handy-man (or woman)– we need someone handy who might be able to be ‘on call’ if things break down in our home while we are away. This person would be helping out with renters.
- Prayer coordinator- this person would help disseminate our prayer updates, possibly gather people to pray when serious things are happening in our ministry or family life, and would communicate to our larger home Church body what is going on.
- Fundraising help– we may need lots of different helpers to run different fundraising events like dessert nights, silent auctions, and other such events. Let us know if we can call upon you!
- Points donations– if you have an abundance of flying points, and are willing or able to donate some, let us know.
- Buy our stuff! At some point we will be posting stuff to get rid of. Help us out and buy it from us! Vehicles, household items, FIND IT HERE!