I’ve been somewhat sentimental lately. Reflecting on years past, raising babies in a blur of chaos and tender moments. In this season, I’ve been thinking about how important story telling is to me. And how important it is to me that even our lives tell a story.
Story is so important to me, that unconsciously, we even named our kids in such a way that their middle names tell a story. A story that is especially significant at this time of year.
I will tell you this story, through their names:
Imagine a hopeless world. A world rocked by death and disease, heartache and long suffering. Imagine generations of waiting, expecting, of hopeful dreaming. Being told that a better way was coming. A new way, a revolutionary way. A way that would turn cold hearts into hearts of flesh. That would take death and shatter it to the ground. A way that would turn the world upside down: the vulnerable become protected, the abandoned become family members, the neglected become cherished.
A champion of light, a herald, an angel is the first to bring news that “it is here,” this new way. HE is coming. The new way isn’t a way at all, it’s a person. It’s a baby born to us- sent from God Himself.
Hark! The tears will be wiped. The night will be day. The waiting, the longing, the hoping has not been in vain!
God has stepped into our mess. Into our brokenness. He has stepped into our despair and has made a way where there was no way. He has taken on the form of man himself to lead us into life. True life. God is with us, among us, in us. He did not stay afar, He came near. In our brokenness. In our sin. He has come to offer us more than a new way, He has come to offer us Himself. His presence. He is the way.
Behold! Breathe deep! Let it take root in you. What was lost is found. New life is possible. Trade in your sorrows. Give up your broken life. There is a Savior who has come for you. A lover who has chosen you. Take hold of true love.
Renae. Reborn.
New life starts now. Your heart anew, awash in love that was never earned. A love that will never give up on you, that will never forsake you. Like you’re born again, anew. Now the world is different because you are fully known and fully loved. And you know Him who is love Himself, come for you.
This is the gospel. The gospel story told through the middle names of our 4 children. May God’s very real peace and very real presence fill you this season as you reflect on the meaning of it all.
“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation” Isaiah 52:7
[our kids’ full names: Silas Gabriel, Tobin Emmanuel, Fiona Eleni Joy, Naomi Eliana Renae]