Take a look at our latest email newsletter to read about the elections in Malawi, Shannon teaching a trauma healing course in the refugee camp, an update on our kids, and more.
Take a look at our latest email newsletter to read about the elections in Malawi, Shannon teaching a trauma healing course in the refugee camp, an update on our kids, and more.
Hi Shannon,
Praying for you, how is this time without Jason going?
How is Naomi? yes, our Naomi also got scarlet fever, I had to tell the doctor at the clinic that this is what I thought she had & he told me ‘No way, she isn’t sick enough for that to be possible” anyway he swabbed her & told me to send her back to school. A couple of days later they called in a panic & wanted to know where she was! Abx, she got better quickly. Walking the Naomi adventure with you!
lv Carol